Shooting Crack With Lemon Juice

How to shoot crack using lemon juice- Mr How. Cocaine (from Crack) - Conversion Success - Erowid. An Experience with Cocaine (from Crack). I had a similar reaction to smoking methamphetamine after having insufflated and injected the substance. Nov 29, 2012  Does anyone know if that is the best method to shoot crack or is lemon juice or something else less abrasive? Also, SWIM recently has been having trouble locating an injection spot, especially first thing in the morning.

Can pickle juice interfere with drug test?

No but if you eat catshit,mayonaise,crystal meth,cocaine,salvia,lsd,marijuana,and crack cocaine youll definfetly pass it

What drug uses vinegar for making it. My son is constantly borrowing vinegar from me. He has a history of what I thought was past drug usage. does anyone know of recreational drugs that call for it?

Hi, There could be two reasons: 1) Many drug users drink vinegar (or pickle juice) to try and mask drugs in urine tests. If your son is currently on probation or is drug tested at work/school, this could be why. 2) Some cocaine addicts use vinegar or lemon juice to cook the cocaine out of crack cocaine. This makes it soluble to be used intravenously instead of smoked. A reason for this is that crack…

Shooting Crack With Lemon Juice

What is the quickest way to get crack cocaine out of your system?

Lots and lots of cranberry juice will be clean urine test on 3rd day as opposed to 4th very much dependant how much u have taken!

Why did Indonesia invaded East Timor?

Injecting Crack With Lemon Juice

they invaded because presidant mctavish wanted the countries juice facilities to produce crack cocaine and mountain dew (code red) answer written and made and directed by Andrew Mora

Will grapefruit juice remove cocaine from your system?

As a matter of fact, grapefruit juice will inhibit the enzyme CYP3A4 (Heptatic Enzyme) and that consequently results in prolonged effect of cocaine on the body.

What is source of cocaine?

Does grapefruit juice remove cocaine from your system?


No. Exercise and lots of water will help remove it quicker

What were some major imports in colonial New York?

Cocaine, marijuana, heroin, crystal meth, swagger juice, swag juice, and bags of dicks for sucking.

What does gastric juice break down?

Gastric juice breaks down food in your stomach :)

How to hydrolyze Vyvanse?

You can let it break down in acids such as lemon juice or orange juice.

What is water juice?

water juice is a combination of water and juice only sold over the tahnksgiving break in GA. 08'

Can crack be injected?

yes you can shoot crack you have to dissolve it either in vinegar or lemon juice and it's more powerful than shooting strait coke so be careful

Can cranberry juice help clear your body off cocaine quicker?

What do you get if you mix rabies with the flu virus?

Most likely crack spackle of the oj da wonka juice

What happens when you add ice cubes to a glass of warm juice?


The ice melts and the warm juice gets cooler and more dilute. +The ice cubes crack almost instantly.

Yes. All types of vinegar can be used for dying Easter eggs. (Rice vinegar, red wine binegar, white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, ect.) Any color in the vinegar may. Vinegar vs Lemon Juice to break down crack, IV coke use in artery as opposed to vein. #1. Margin Call. View. shooting crack and vinegar into an artery? Name: Can U Shoot Crack With Apple Cider Vinegar: File size: 11 MB: Date added: November 17, 2014: Price: Free: Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8: Total downloads. Its not a smart idea. Although crack isn't water soluble, its vinegar soluble. But injecting vinegar is highly dangerous.

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Vinegar vs Lemon Juice to break down crack, IV coke use in artery as opposed to vein. That's a good idea. Seriously do NOT inject into arteries, regardless of if you got lucky in the past and seemed fine. But are you sure it even actually was an artery though?

How Do You Inject Crack

Some venous blood can be different shades of red. As for acid options, do NOT use lemon juice, it can make you go blind or give you fungal or bacterial infections. The best option would be to use citric acid or pure ascorbic acid (pure - not just random vitamin C tablets or drink mix that contains other ingredients). Citric acid can be found at grocery stores and home- brewing shops. The third choice would be distilled white vinegar, some people suggest boiling it first to be on the safe side, and it is damaging to veins (all acids are going to damage your veins somewhat but vinegar and lemon juice are worse than citric acid or ascorbic acid). Also try to use as little of whatever acid you're using as possible.

Shooting Crack With Lemon Juice